
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Adventures in the 541!

Last week, we were invited to go swimming at the Lake of the Woods. It happened to be Josh's day off so we went. Before we left, I had a few mini panic attacks about the water and Averie Jo. It just freaks me OUT! I just have all the bad thoughts about it.  For a spilt second I almost bail out but I decided I need to put my big girl pants on and go for it. I am glad we went! I was much better than I thought I would be. Averie Jo loves it! She had a blast.

When we got there, Averie Jo just want to pick up all the rocks and eat it!

See? She got a rock in her hand going inside her mouth!
No mommy! I want to eat the rocks!
This is fun!
Don't mind my white ghost skin. I haven't been tanning since I left Utah. :(
Daddy! Don't you dare to put me on my back. (she doesn't even like to be on her back in the bathtub)
Averie Jo is now making faces and this is one of her new faces.

I have been working on Averie Jo's birthday party! I can't believe my baby is almost one! Where did the time go?! I ordered her dress, invitation and did a trial run on her cake and cupcake. Actually, I did two trial runs...the first one was a disaster! Lets leave it at that.. The second one was much better and hubby is in charge of frosting the cake! I just don't have the patience.....

Daddy stole my phone and took a picture. :)

Don't let this sweet innocent face fool you. She gave me a work out this morning! I almost left the house with half shaved legs and make up! Averie Jo was NOT happy about me taking a shower and tried to get in the shower with me at least 5 times. I almost had to change her outfit because it was getting little wetter each time she tried to get into the shower.  Averie Jo decided she wants to play hide o seek with mommy's hairspray and she won. (I finally found it after a couple hours). I am pretty sure Averie ate some toilet paper but of course she isn't telling me that. Averie Jo had a second breakfast/goodies so I can somewhat finish getting ready this morning. For a second, I thought about ditching going out but no! I am not going to go through the whole work out without getting something out of it!
I hope Averie Jo is going through a phase of not taking a second nap. The last couple days she go down for like 2.5 seconds and than she is up! Mommy doesn't like that! I watched her on the monitor and she is walking back and forth in her crib, roll around and play with her blanket.
I have been involved playing basketball(that's right..you read it right-basketball-I can't remember if I talked about this before or not..). They decided to stop for the month of July and we have been riding our bike! This make me super excited!
Photo: #momsonbikes #wheresjulie
I love biking and really want to get back into again. We are currently looking for a bike trailer so I can take Averie Jo with me. The girl to the right of me is Angela. We went to school back in Utah and we both end up in Klamath Falls! It is a small world...literally! A lot of people from Utah are moving to Klamath Falls. It is amazing weird! (I stole this picture from FB-Thanks!)
I am also involved a book club! I didn't realized how much I miss reading until I started reading!  Few weeks ago, when we went on our vacation...I read 5 books! It was fabulous!
This may be TMI but I don't care...
I know you are wondering why I am posting a picture of my nearly empty freezer. Trust me..I am not crazy. Well maybe I am.   This is for people back in Utah. Guess what is gone?! That's right...no more breast milk! (The freezer was jam packed full of breast milk-I was a cow..moo!) I was worried about moving my freezer from Utah to Oregon. I didn't want to lose one ounce of milk. The picture below is how much breast milk I have left for Averie Jo. My pride and joy(hard work and sweat) is almost gone! Getting up two hours before I went to work and staying up late to pump was worth it!
(This is a old picture and this wasn't the fullest. :))
I remember one morning that my alarm clock died on me, woke up late, try to hurry, get ready, feed Averie and pumped. I pumped and knocked one of the bottles and lost a couple ounces. I got it all over my pants, I had to change my pants. Get Averie to daycare. I was pissed. Everything that could go wrong went wrong! My wonderful boss and co-worker was laughing at me while I am telling them my morning. She said something like welcome to motherhood or now you are one of us. I am so glad that only happened once.
Averie Jo is being a naughty girl when it come to eat dinner. She would eat dinner but sometimes she would move her arm to the side of the table and...drop the food for Diesel. Of course, Diesel is happy to pick up the food for Averie Jo. I have told her no, don't do it.....than she get a grin on her face.... She would do it over and over and over again! Tsk tsk.. naughty girl!
My OCD has kicked into a high gear. I can't stop cleaning or doing something. I cleaned my office, the pantry and Averie Jo's room and currently working on the garage. Josh think I am crazy. If you need help organizing something or make something. I would be more than happy to do an pinterest project or organize something for you! Call me! 
16 more days until we are in Utah! It is getting closer! We can't wait!

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