
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Week 45

311/365- I had fun playing with my camera on the Christmas tree! 

312/365 It was tricky trying to get Averie to hold in order to get a good picture!

313/365 Family!

Of course, I got to have a picture with just Diesel. He did much better than Averie!

314/365 Week 38- Brenleigh is still stubborn! I swear she is going to be just like Averie Jo. I just hope she won't come out next week! Please Brenleigh-don't come out during Christmas week! 

315/365- More fun playing with hearts on the Christmas tree! 

316/365-We went out and look at Christmas lights. We were almost done and Averie Jo kept saying potty! I didn't want to wash the car seat because it is a pain in the butt! So Averie went potty outside of the car in the 30s degrees weather! Daddy took this picture.

317/365 We went on the biggest grocery shopping in a long time and it was very boring for Averie. It got little too quiet while shopping and I noticed she decided that she is going to help herself some yogurt and ate the whole thing with her finger. Even through she had a yogurt for breakfast before we went shopping!  Silly girl! 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Week 44-I feel like I have been pregnant this long......

304/365 Ugly Sweater Party time!

305/365 Miss Averie Jo had the most grumpiest day ever! This was before church. She threw a fit in nursery that I got pulled out of class to calm her down. She only had two hours nap which I swear didn't even help at all and didn't want to eat dinner or anything. Nothing went right for her at all.

306/365  I asked her what she wants for lunch and she said noodles! She ate the whole thing. It is nice to make her something she wants instead of the guessing game.

307/365- Week 37 yup...she is still in my belly! 

308/365- It is kind of hard to tell but she got Eggnog mustache. She LOVES Eggnog! 

309/365 Paint! The last couple days she has been asking to paint and either it is the wrong time or I don't feel like cleaning up her mess. She felt satisfied with her three masterpieces.

310/365 Christmas Tree and Baby

Week 43

297/365 Miss Averie Jo LOVES bath! If you said the word bath-she takes off and strip naked as fast she can to jump in the tub. She also loves bubbles and want to put as much soap she can in it. 

298/365 Christmas Decor is up! 

299/365 Pom poms!  

300/365 Week 36-the doctor thinks I am going to have Brenleigh early but the more I think about it..the more I don't believe it...Brenleigh is STUBBORN! I am so SO done being pregnant.... 

301/365 Brenleigh's room is completed! 

302/365 Miss Averie Jo likes to see herself on the ornament.

303/365 At least this year Miss Averie Jo didn't cry sitting with Santa Claus.