
Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I can't believe it is already 2014. 2013 went by so fast! SO much has changed this year. Josh got promoted to "Management in Training" position in Klamath Falls, OR. I got to be a stay home mom sooner than I thought, we figured I would be a stay home mom when we have our second kid in the future(Don't get any idea- I am NOT pregnant). I ran my very first race! We had no idea this year would change a lot. It is definitely an adventure for us. I do like living in Klamath Falls after I got over the cultural shock.  I was thinking the other day that when we move to next store, I will miss Klamath Falls. It has it own charms. I wasn't sure if I can handle small town and I have no problem. I made lots of friends here which I am so thankful and it definitely help the adventure.

Averie Jo turned 1 in August. She is my world and I can't imagine life without her. She is changing SO much! She is now talking and she does have a favorite word which change once a while(thank goodness!) This week is Diesel. First thing she say in the morning is Diesel and all day long!  She can say mommy, daddy, what's that, no, Diesel, wow, mouth(she does know where her mouth is), woof woof(she shook her body when she say woof woof), un-oh and honey. Sometimes I swear she say random word once a while and won't say it again. She loves to dump all of her big lego out of the bag every single day, read her book and play in the wagon.

My resolutions this year:

To learn more about photography and get better at taking pictures
Eat better and exercise regular

(Most of the pictures are from my phone)

Averie Jo is in mid sentence of "woof woof"

Averie Jo is rocking this outfit!

Crazy hair

Helping mom sweeping the floor

Averie Jo love Daddy

Helping mom cook

Trouble maker!

The love of my life!

Averie Jo LOVES Diesel very much!

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