
Friday, February 7, 2014

Averie Jo's birth

I didn't have a blog when I had Averie Jo. I love reading about birth story on the blog so I am doing one.


When Josh and I decided we are going to try for a baby, literately the same day/week we found out that my brother and sister-in-law are pregnant! I remember driving home after we found out and say "I can't believe it! We decided to try for a baby and they are pregnant! How crazy is that?! Of course, we didn't know how long it would take us to get pregnant and thought it would be cool if we both are pregnant at the same time! Few months later, the day after Thanksgiving, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! We were thrilled! It was hard keeping it a secret. We decided to tell our parents and siblings that we are pregnant on Christmas Day. Christmas couldn't come fast enough! I was about 9 weeks long. With my family, we have a tradition of homemade stocking and my mom asked me to make some for doggies and Eli. They are a PAIN in the BUTT to make them! So I thought I am going to make an extra stocking for the announcement. I made the stocking, wrapped it in a box and had my mom open it as the last present. On the stocking, it said Baby Richardson est. August 2012. They were so excited for us! With the In-Law, we got a couple onesies with grandma, grandpa and aunt on it. They all opened the presents at the same time. It was so fun telling them that we are pregnant. A month later, we told everybody else.

We did a cupcake gender reveal with our family and of course, it is a girl! I always want to have a girl first thanks to my brother Scott who tortured me growing up. Josh want to double check and make sure it is a girl the next appointment. :) the lady said, it is still a girl.

I had a great pregnancy, didn't have any problem. I didn't have any cravings. I remember I was so tired and four out of five nights I was falling asleep on the couch. I slept awesome! It was easy for me to fall asleep and slept through the night.

There was one incident at work that I had a horrible phone call. The person on the phone was SO rude to me that I hung up on him and he kept calling me back. He made me cry. I have never cry at work ever. After the whole incident was over, I was more upset that he made me cry than him being rude to me. I have dealt with rude people before but not during my pregnancy! I still remember what he said to me...

As I entered into my last month of pregnancy and doing weekly checkup. At my 36 week, I was dilated to almost a 2! I was shocked! My doctor told me that he doesn't see me go to my due date. Every week, I went and dilated more and more. I was dilated to almost a 4 in my last week of pregnancy. I was impatiently waiting for Averie to come. I was pissed at my doctor for telling me that he doesn't see my go to my due date. I wish he never told me that.

 Five days after my due date-August 6th, I woke up at 3am on the dot and felt umm that is kind of strange feeling in my stomach and went potty. I went back to bed and ten minutes later, I realized I was having contraction. I was debating whether to wake Josh up or not. I decided to wait and see how it does. Another ten minutes goes by, another contraction. I tried to wake Josh up but he wasn't so I push on him little bit harder and he finally woke up. He thought he was late to work. He claimed that I violently shook him with my hands and legs and he about fell out of bed. . I told him I was having contractions about every ten minutes. We talked about what to do. We waited a little bit before calling the doctor on call. I was still having contractions about every ten minutes. The doctor said I can go in if I want to or wait. Since I was dilated to almost a four, he said they will probably keep me there. I decided to wait because I did NOT want to be send home. We waited half hour and I decided that we should go. My contractions were getting more stronger.

We grabbed our stuff and went to the hospital. We called our parents and told them we are going to the hospital. We got to the hospital about 5-5:30am. The nurse said wow, there must be something in the water last night cuz there was eight other women there. They put me in a room and check me. I was dilated to a six. The nurse said you are having a baby today. Do you want an epidural? It is time to get it now. Of course, I said yes! It was much nicer getting the epidural than I thought. I felt nothing from my stomach and below. Our families came to the hospital. A hour later, the nurse checked me and I'm full dilated! The doctor came and broke my water and said wait for a half hour or a hour than you will start pushing.

I pushed for two hours and at 10:16 am, Averie Jo Richardson was born! 8 pounds and 13 ounces. She wasn't a small baby, that's for sure! I am thankful for easy pregnancy and birth. I can't imagine my life without her! She is my world and joy! I can't believe she is now 18 months old! It goes by so fast. People told me it goes by fast while I was pregnant and it does go WAY faster than you can imagine! (Ignore the date on the pictures-we didn't realized it was wrong on the camera until later the day.)

First family picture!

Proud Daddy

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